Naiomy has been taking a Creative Writing class. She's pleased to share these poetry pieces with you.

Show you glory in our darknesses
Show your power in our weakness
Show your might in our impossibility
Show your love in our hatred
Show your faithfulness in our failures
Show your grace in our mistakes
Show your forgiveness in our sin
Show your beauty in our mess
Show your splendour in our brokenness
Show your wealth in our poverty
Show your goodness in our wickedness
Show your patience in our impatience
Show your wisdom in our foolishness
Show your Holiness in our sinfulness
Show your sovereignty in our requests
Show your justice in our injustice
Show your mercy in our stubbornness
Show your humbleness in our pride
Show your attributes which are so many
Show them to us so we be like you
There is no one like you God
None can compare to you
Make us more like you awesome God
More like your son Jesus
The more I know you God
The more I want to be like you
Make us more like you Holy God
More like your son Jesus
I praise you when I feel hopeless
I praise you when I am in the storm
I praise you when things around me don’t change
I praise you forever
I praise you when I don’t hear from you
I praise you when the things in my life don’t blossom
I praise you when I am in pain
I praise you still
I praise you though I don’t succeed
I praise you even when I don’t see the harvest
I praise you when I am in lack
I will praise you non stop
I praise you when I feel disappointed
I praise you when I feel alone
I praise you when I feel rejected
I praise you without ceasing
I praise you because I know to whom I belong
I praise you because I seek your face and not your hand
I praise you because you are my father
I praise you because of who you are
I praise you because you always come to my rescue
I praise you because you have never failed me and never will
I praise you because there is nothing you can’t do
I praise you because you are my creator and God
I praise you because one thing I know
I praise you because you never change
I praise you because I trust your word
I praise you because you are worthy

No trace of my guilt
You washed me white as snow
No trace of my sin
You made me clean
My sin was like crimson
Brighter than the red
You cleansed me
You made me whole
You removed my sins away
As far as the east is from the west
You remembered that I am dust
And the wind blows over it
There is no accusation from you
There is no condemnation from you
You see me through Jesus your son
And call me your beloved child
You embrace me with your arms wide open
You blessed me with peace
You clothed me with righteousness
And I am yours forever
You will come again to take me home
Where streets of gold and no more pain
No more sin and sorrow live
Where only righteousness abide
Heal me oh Lord
For I need you today
Touch me oh Lord
I am desperate for you today
Restore unto me your strength
For I am tired today
Energize me oh Lord
I am in need of you today
For my bones are in agony
My soul is deeply depressed
Deliver my soul oh Lord
Save me because of your loving kindness
For what praise is there in my death?
Will I be able to praise you from there?
So I cry for your mercy oh Lord
Please accept my deepest prayers
For I know you will save me my Lord
For you have great plans for my soul
I will praise you every breath I breath oh Lord
And live for you alone

He keeps knocking at your door
Is your door open for Him?
He keeps searching for you
Is your door open for Him?
For He is the king of glory
Is your door open for Him?
For He is the Lord strong and mighty
Is your door open for Him?
For He is the Lord mighty in battle
Is your door open for Him?
For He is the Lord Almighty
Is your door open for Him?
He will be compassionate towards you
He will show His love towards you
He will be your father and God
Is your door open for Him?
I received Him in to my heart
I opened my heart’s door to Him
He changed my life around
Made everything new in my life
So I ask you today
Is your heart’s door open for Him?
Don’t wait for tomorrow
For tomorrow will be too late
Oh how I want to be a great oak tree planted for His glory
The roots to be strong and secure in His word
To be righteous in His eyes and strong in the storms of life
Planted by the streams of the Lord
Oh how I want to receive the oil of joy in the season of mourning
To be anointed by Him who is worthy
His oil of joy to fill as it runs down our head
To be planted in His vineyard
Oh how I want the garment of praise in times of despair
When all is loss and hope is no where
To make the heartbroken rejoice
To show forth His glory through our worship
Oh how I love Him for He has made me glad by taking
my sorrow and pain
For turning my ashes to beauty
For turning my impossibility to a possibility
For His glory and Pleasure alone

In the morning when I rise
I thank you for this day
In the evening when I sleep
I praise you for this day
I know that if I didn’t have you
My morning will be mourning
I know that if I didn’t have you
My evening will be in darkness
I know that I walked today
For you gave me strength to my bones
I know that I sang today
For you gave me breath to my lungs
Every day is a blessing from you
Life inside of my body
For I was created for your pleasure
For I was made for your glory
What can man do without you Lord
We are just mortals without breath
What can man plan without you Lord
We are like grass that withers away
Whose is like unto you Lord
There is no God like you
Who can be compared to you Lord
There is none like you our God
You heard our prayers
You heard our groaning
You heard our cries
When we prayed to you
You saw our tears
You saw our sorrows
You saw our agony
When we cried to you
You felt our laughter
You felt our joy
You felt our heart beat
When we looked for you
You listened to our songs
You listened to our praises
You listened to our hearts
When we lifted our hands
Where can we go from you
Where can we hide from you
Where can we leave your presence
You are always there
You promised to never leave us
You promised to never forsake us
You promised to never forget us
You are always there

You are enough for me
You are more than enough
You satisfy my heart’s desires
You are more than enough Lord
You captured my heart every day
You captured my heart
You captured my heart with so much love
You are my trophy Lord
You sing over me
You sing over me all night
You sing over me when I feel down
You sing over me and rejoice Lord
You are with me
You are with me all day
You are mighty to save me
You are with me and you saved me Lord
You take great delight over me
You take great delight over me everyday
You take great delight over me when I rise
You take great delight over me Lord
You quiet me
You quiet me when I am in a storm
You quiet me with your love
You quiet me and tell me I am yours Lord
Did I say thank you today?
For giving me breath of life
For giving me eyes to see
For giving me a mouth to speak
And ears to hear the birds sing
Did I say I love you today?
For taking my place on Calvary
For giving me hope after death
For life here on earth and eternity
And live as a person full of Hope
Did I say you are good today?
For providing my daily bread
For protecting me on the way
For blessing me abundantly
And giving me joy everlastingly
Did I say you’re my father today?
For always looking out for me
For always guiding my ways
For always having your hand on me
And making me part of the family
Did I say you’re my everything?
The sun, the moon and the stars above
The energy, power and source of strength
The daily bread and river of life
And my life is nothing without you
Did I say you’re the reason I live?
The reason I am breathing
The reason I am winning
The reason I am alive
Yes it’s all for your pleasure and your glory

When I am weak and my heart is trembling
I look up to whom I can depend
He once told me that when I am weak
He is strong
When I feel I am not enough
And my strength is failing
I look up to whom I can trust
He once told me that His strength is made perfect in my weakness
When I feel alone and I have none to my help
I look up to whom I can count on
He once told me that He will never leave me
And that I am never alone
When I feel sick and my bones are failing
I look up to whom I can get healed
He once told me that He is my healer
And by His stripes I am healed
When I feel down and my heart is sinking
I look up to whom I can be comforted
He once told me that He is my comforter
And He is my all in all
When I feel rejected by the ones I love
I look up to whom I can find love
He once told me that He is my father
And He sent His son Jesus to show me His love
Hope is what we all need
Hope was what I needed
Hope was what I found
When I met Him
Hope when I feel lonely
Hope when I feel sad
Hope when I feel empty
When life seems hard
Hope came when He died for me
Hope came when He rose again
Hope came when He said
He is coming back to take me home
Life is hopeless
Life is difficult
But my life became beautiful
When I found Hope in Jesus
Jesus is my only hope
Jesus is my all in all
When I was in darkness
His love gave me hope

He gave me another day to be happy
He gave me another day to enjoy
He gave me another day to glorify Him
He gave me another day to live for Him
He gave me another day to be thankful
He gave me another day to wonder
He gave me another day to breathe
He gave me another day to do His will
He gave me another day to conquer
He gave me another day to win
He gave me another day to triumph
He gave me another day of victory
He gave me another day to listen
He gave me another day to speak
He gave me another day to ponder
He gave me another day to display
Thank you Jesus for another day
Another day to live for you
Another day to show your power
In this humble vessel of yours
I thank you for giving me these years
Of another days till you call me home
I can’t wait to see you in your glory
And sing and worship you for eternity
Your word is like a precious diamond
Your word is like a precious pearl
Not many find it but those who find it
Have found a treasure
Your word is pure like silver
Your word is pure like gold
Not many find it but those who find it
Have found a treasure
Your word is like a breath of fresh air
Your word is like a breath of anointing
Not many find it but those who find it
Have found a treasure
Your word is like the deep waters
Your word is like the wide ocean
Not many find it but those who find it
Have found a treasure
Your word is a lamp unto our feet
Your word is a light unto our path
Not many find it but those who find it
Have found a treasure

How did He win my heart
How did He open my eyes
How did He cleanse my life
By dying on the cross
How did He save my soul
How did He feed my body
How did He satisfy my hunger
By dying on the cross
How did He see my need
How did He light my dark
How did He show me love
By dying on the cross
How did He wipe my tears
How did He soften my heart
How did He show me grace
By dying on the cross
How did He give me all
How did I deserve His love
How did He do this all
By dying on the cross
What is peace to you?
Is it no wars?
Is it no pain?
Is it no conflict?
What is peace to me?
It is peace of mind
It is rest in the storm
It is wholeness
Who can give you peace?
Can the world give it?
Can the government give it?
Can anyone give it?
Who can give me peace?
Only God can give me peace
Only His word can give me peace
Only His presence can give me peace
Painting by Nicole GB

You never fail me
You never failed me yet
You never leave me
You never will
You never disappoint me
You never do
You never forsake me
You never will
Even when I fail you
Even when I leave you
Even when I disappoint you
You never will
You are always with me
You are always good
You are always faithful
Because you are faithful and true
I call you my Lord
I call you my God
I call you my saviour
Because you are faithful and true
Many times I felt rejection
Many times I felt loneliness
But you were always there
Because you are faithful and true