From a small age, I, Naiomy, knew that worshiping God was what I was meant to do. Worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. True worship is a matter of the heart expressed through a lifestyle of holiness. Read the full article in my blog posting.
I have prepared 100 of my favourite worship songs below. And with each worship song I have created a beautiful illustration with a painting. I trust God will use this to touch your heart and worship Him in your life.

Worship is an exchange. It is an act of love and pursuit of intimacy after God's heart. Worship is more than just a song, melody or cadence. It is more than 30 minutes on a Sunday, singing and hearing instruments in tune with one another. Worship is the posture of one's heart before God and it should be our lifestyle, evident in all actions, in our thoughts in our motives and in our attitude towards God and others.
Nadine Ramnarace, BA, MDiv
Worship Leader, The Lakeside Church
Worship is one of the important things for me. Psalms 150 verse 6 says “Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the LORD! Praise the LORD.” Through worship we can step into a deeper place of intimacy with our Lord Jesus. I love to sit at His feet, honor and glorify Him. And let Him cover me with His glory and amazing love. From a young age Naiomy had so much passion and desire to serve God. When we were going to school I could see she was gifted in arts. I am so glad to see God brought this gift that was hidden for many years out again and inspired her to paint for Him. Her art work speaks about her greatest love of her life. We can see from her work how intimacy we can be with our savior. All her paintings always carry a message from God. She uses scriptures to inspire her to paint. Her paintings have many colors. It makes her paintings fill our heart with joy and life. This will inspire you to worship and also to have a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. And it will encourage you to use your gifts God has deposited in you to glorify Him.
Asangika Ihekweme
Pastor of International Christin Church Rome, Italy